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Philippine Center for Population and Development

Food Security for Healthier Filipinos



Published on

18th September 2021

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It is the right of everyone to always have access to sufficient and nutritious food to live a healthy and productive life. However, the process from producing food to consuming it is not without its challenges.

This is the focus of the webinar Seguridad sa Pagkain: Making Food Available on Every Table. Hosted by PCPD and the Philippine Association of Nutrition, it will talk about the country's food system, particularly bridging food production and consumption, to ensure healthier and better-nourished Filipinos.

Speakers in the webinar are Dr. Cecilia Acuin, president of the Philippine Association of Nutrition; Mayor Ofelia Alcantara of Tolosa, Leyte; and Ms. Cherrie Atilano, founding farmer and CEO of AGREA Agricultural Systems International.

The webinar is on September 28, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon. Register at https://bit.ly/SeguridadSaPagkain. Or watch the livestream on Facebook @pcpd73.

Participants will be given a Certificate of Attendance.