The Friendly Care Foundation, Inc. Of The Philippines: Lessons from the Pro-Familia of Colombia
A. Francisco J. Mier
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Still quite young and only turning 53 in October 2008, Dr. Alberto Romualdez Jr., the Vice Chairman of the Friendly Care Foundation, Inc., was already mulling over the possibility of relinquishing his Board of Trustee position to another doctor who is willing to take over his multifaceted responsibilities in the organization. Dr. Romualdez Jr. is thinking of focusing on his specialized practice in physiology-membrane biophysics and immunology. However, to do this, he has to bring to completion the grandiose blueprint for the Friendly Care system patterned after the Pro-Familia of Colombia. Dr. Romualdez Jr. is fully aware that the success of Pro Familia is slowly being replicated by Friendly Care but something must be done to fast track the process which took Pro Familia more than forty (40) years to accomplish.